Can Tilt Limited Editions lamps be transmitted?
Through our lamps, we want above all to convey a simple but profound message: “Amarvel, dare, keep your child’s soul and treat yourself!” It is these values that guide each of our creations. In an often pragmatic and sometimes too serious world, we believe that it is essential to cultivate wonder, to allow yourself to dream and never to lose this childish joy that makes the beauty of existence. Our lamps are not only functional objects, they are carriers of light, but also of happiness and positive energy. They are there to illuminate not only the space, but also the soul.

Wonder in everyday life
The first message we want to convey through our creations is a call to wonder, to escape. Our lamps are designed to bring magic to spaces that are sometimes too monotonous or cold. We want each person who lights a Tilt Limited Editions lamp to feel transported to a universe where everything becomes possible, a world where light takes a joyful, playful and full of surprises form.
It may seem simple, but at a time when everything goes fast and functionality often takes precedence over aesthetics, we believe that it is essential to give back space to wonder. We all need, from time to time, to reinvent ourselves and reconnect with this ability to marvel, which we had as a child, without asking ourselves questions. This is what makes each object a little magical: knowing that it is there not only for its usefulness, but also to bring us a little lightness and joy in everyday life.
Dare to create, dare to postpone
Another key value that we want to convey through our lamps is audacity. We invite everyone to dare. Dare to choose a lamp that does not merge into the decor, but on the contrary reinvents it. Dare to put colour where it is more usual to stay in neutral tones. Dare unexpected shapes and materials. Dare to free yourself from conventions to bring a personal and original touch to your interior. We created Tilt so that people can dare to express themselves through their space, by choosing a lamp that looks like them, tells a story or evokes an emotion.
We believe that design should not be reserved for aesthetic elitism, that it should be accessible to all and that it should above all reflect the personality and dreams of those who adopt it. Each lamp is an invitation to think outside the box, to rethink the space in a creative and joyful way. It may seem like a small act, but we believe that by creating an inspiring and stimulating environment, we offer everyone the opportunity to reveal their own creative potential.
Keep your child's soul
A value that is dear to us and that we deeply want to transmit is to keep your child’s soul. Children are fascinating, because they approach the world without barriers, with infinite curiosity and an ability to marvel at the slightest thing. They don’t care about standards, they create, they play, they imagine worlds. It is this state of mind that we want to preserve in our creations.
Tilt Limited Editions lamps are designed to be objects of pleasure above all, without seeking to comply with rigid codes or pre-established expectations. Each lamp is a small invitation to play, a nod to this freedom of mind that does so much good. We want that, by turning on a Tilt lamp, everyone finds this lightness, this unlimited creativity, and this feeling of well-being that we had as a child. A lamp should not only illuminate a space, it must also awaken the child in us, the one who finds pleasure in the little things and who believes in a world full of possibilities.
The power of the positive glow
An anecdote that perfectly summarises the effect that our lamps can have on a person’s mood has marked us a lot. One day, one of our customers told us, a smile on his lips: “Your lamps should be reimbursed by social security, they are so good for morale! This remark touched us a lot, because it summarises everything we want to bring with our creations: a breath of fresh air, a boost of positivity and happiness. It’s not just a lamp, it’s a way to bring a little joy to a day that can be gloomy or monotonous.
It is this ability to transform an object into a vector of positive emotions that is the strength of our creations. Each Tilt lamp is designed to bring a smile, to bring warmth, lightness, and even a little magic to everyday life. These are objects that not only illuminate a room, but that subjugate it, that bring a new, comforting, and inspiring atmosphere. In this sense, we believe that design can be a true catalyst for well-being, and that is exactly what we try to create through our lamps.
The art of having fun
Finally, through our lamps, we invite everyone to enjoy themselves. Design can sometimes be perceived as a luxury or something reserved for a certain elite. For us, on the contrary, aesthetic and functional pleasure must be accessible to all. By creating colourful, playful and sometimes offbeat lamps, we offer our customers the opportunity to appropriate a visual universe that resembles them, that awakens their senses and allows them to express their own personality.
We also want our lamps to be objects of lasting pleasure. Beyond the visual aspect, they are designed to be timeless objects, which do not go out of style and which continue to delight their users over time. Because basically, there is nothing more pleasant than returning home, landing, and being welcomed by a light that makes us feel good.
Through our lamps, we wish above all to convey a message of optimism, creativity and lightness. We invite everyone to be amazed, to dare, to keep their child’s soul, and to enjoy their design choices. Tilt lamps are objects of light, but also objects of well-being, which bring a touch of magic to everyday life and which, we hope, will always warm the heart and illuminate the minds of those who adopt them. And yes, it is transmitted!